Comprehensive Guide to USCIS Field Office Locations Nationwide
USCIS Field Office
Field Offices in the United States are responsible for conducting scheduled interviews for applications unrelated to asylum. They also offer limited information and applicant services through appointments, which complement the resources available on the USCIS website and through phone support. Below are the locations of the USCIS field offices.
- Albuquerque
- Anchorage
- Atlanta
- Baltimore
- Burlington
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Chicago
- Columbus
- Denver
- Des-Moines
- Detroit
- Hartford
- Helena
- Honolulu
- Indianapolis
- Jacksonville
- Kansas-City
- Las-Vegas
- Lawrence
- Long-Island
- Los-Angeles
- Memphis
- Milwaukee
- Montgomery
- Nashville
- New-Orleans
- Newark
- Oklahoma-City
- Omaha
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Portland
- Providence
- Saint-Louis
- Saint-Paul
- Salt-Lake-City
- Seattle
- Washington
Click to View Field Office Locations
- Albuquerque
- Anchorage
- Atlanta
- Baltimore
- Burlington
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Chicago
- Columbus
- Denver
- Des-Moines
- Detroit
- Hartford
- Helena
- Honolulu
- Indianapolis
- Jacksonville
- Kansas-City
- Las-Vegas
- Lawrence
- Long-Island
- Los-Angeles
- Memphis
- Milwaukee
- Montgomery
- Nashville
- New-Orleans
- Newark
- Oklahoma-City
- Omaha
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Portland
- Providence
- Saint-Louis
- Saint-Paul
- Salt-Lake-City
- Seattle
- Washington
Note: Visiting USCIS field offices without an appointment is not permitted. It is necessary to have a scheduled appointment in order to visit an office.
What You will be Getting From USCIS Field Office?
Field offices located in the United States and its territories offer the following services:
- Conduct interviews for all non-asylum cases, such as applications for obtaining a Green Card.
- Facilitate naturalization ceremonies.
- Provide appointments for information and applicant services that complement the resources available on the USCIS website and through phone support. This includes addressing case-specific scenarios that require in-person assistance.
Can I Make the Payment at the Field Office For My Forms?
At USCIS field office locations, payments for the following forms can be made through
- Form I-131, Application for Travel Document;
- Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the U.S. After Deportation or Removal;
- Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO);
- Form I-694, Notion of Appeal of Decision Under Sections 245A or 210 of the Immigration and Nationality Act; and
- Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization
To make payments for the mentioned forms in person, applicants should schedule an appointment through the USCIS Contact Center before visiting a USCIS field office. USCIS accepts payments only from a bank account (ACH), debit card, or credit card with a revolving credit line.
To find the location and other information of USCIS Offices, click on the links below.
- USCIS Application Support Centers
- USCIS Asylum Offices
- USCIS International Offices
Other USCIS Offices
To find the location and other information of USCIS Offices, click on the links below.