ImmigrationDiect Blog: Your Trusted Source for US Immigration
- Immigration Direct
There have been many questions regarding the documents and information that are supposed to be provided on the USCIS Forms when applying for Deferred Action. The primary concern deals with
- Immigration Direct
Foreign nationals can come to the US through the immigrant or non immigrant visa category. Immigrants come with an intention to live permanently in the US whereas non immigrants only
- Immigration Direct
Labor Certification is the first step in the majority of employment-based Green Cards. Some people are not required to have an approved Labor Certification (outstanding researchers, multinational managers, people with
- Immigration Direct
The requirements for application to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy explicitly state that all applicants will have to submit to a background check where their criminal records
- Immigration Direct
Travel.State.Gov & U.S. Passport Services Individuals traveling outside of the United States must have a valid passport to enter other countries, even Canada and Mexico, despite being located on the
- Immigration Direct
En un cambio significativo en la política de inmigración de EE. UU., el presidente Donald Trump ha emitido una orden ejecutiva destinada a terminar con la ciudadanía por derecho de
- Immigration Direct
In a significant shift in U.S. immigration policy, on the day of his inauguration, President Donald Trump issued an executive order aimed at ending birthright citizenship, the principle that grants
- Immigration Direct
If you need an exception to the English and Civics test because of “physical or developmental disability or mental impairment”, you are required to file Form N-648. Other Naturalization applicants