ImmigrationDiect Blog: Your Trusted Source for US Immigration

When two Filipino women who were in the United States on visitor’s visas consulted with an immigration specialist in San Jose, Calif., they obtained work in a residential healthcare facility.

People renounce their U.S. citizenship for a variety of reasons. Depending on your situation, renunciation can be very beneficial or even necessary. However, don’t expect the process to be easy.

All immigrants of the United States have rights, responsibilities, and benefits when becoming an American citizen. Their rights and responsibilities are limited to those who are only green card holders.

Alien Registration Number, also known as A-number, is an exclusive identification number assigned to an immigrant. The A-number is assigned to noncitizens at the time their A-file is created with

Immigration Alert: USCIS will be accepting Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on August 15, 2012. Take the Free Eligibility Quiz Here! The DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien

The majority of U.S. citizens obtained their citizenship through birth. While people born in foreign countries most often obtain citizenship through naturalization, overall, most people are born into their U.S.

“Anchor baby” is a deprecatory term for a child born in the US to immigrant parents. Later as a US citizen, he/she can facilitate immigration for relatives. The term refers

The Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) serves to protect U.S. citizens who are abroad for business, study, travel or living purposes. The mission of CA is to keep the borders of the

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